Vegas Play Casino: 100 € Bonus ta 'Merħba b'xejn

Vegas Play Casino

100 € Bonus ta 'Merħba b'xejn

Merħba offerta:

100% Bonus sa

100 €

Bonus fuq ewwel depożitu

Aċċess ristrett fl-Istati Uniti

Jiddispjaċina ninfurmak li Vegas Play Casino bħalissa mhux qed taċċetta reġistrazzjonijiet minn utenti fl-Istati Uniti.

Tibbrawżja minn barra l-Istati Uniti? Ippersonalizza l-esperjenza tiegħek billi tagħżel pajjiżek: Għafas hawn

Vegas Play Casino

  • Bonus 100% sa 100 € bl-ewwel depożitu tiegħek (klijenti ġodda)
  • Bonus disponibbli fit-tieni xiri tiegħek
  • Bonus disponibbli fuq it-tielet depożitu tiegħek
  • Ilgħab direttament fil-browser tiegħek – Ebda installazzjoni tas-software meħtieġa
  • Mhux ottimizzati għall-apparat mobbli
  • ⚠️ każinò fil-lista sewda · twissija
  • Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw
  • 18+ Jekk jogħġbok lagħbu b'mod responsabbli

softwer: The Art of Games

Vegas Play Casino is a Blacklisted Casino

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Minflok, esplora l-lista kkurata tagħna ta 'casinos rakkomandati, li fihom alternattivi ta' logħob siguri u ta 'fama.

Bonusijiet tal-każinò onlajn bl-ogħla rata

Attenzjoni Viżitaturi tal-Istati Uniti:

Jekk jogħġbok kun konxju li l-logħob tal-azzard onlajn jista' jitqies bħala illegali f'ċerti stati fl-Istati Uniti. Iċċekkja l-liġijiet lokali tiegħek qabel ma tidħol f'attivitajiet ta' logħob tal-azzard onlajn.

Vegas Play Casino: Bonuses u promozzjonijiet

Vegas Play Casino is offering a great selection of classic and modern casino games. No installation required!

Join Vegas Play Casino and collect a 100% welcome bonus up to 100€ fuq l-ewwel depożitu tiegħek.

Receive another generous 30% on your 2nd deposit and 70% on your 3rd deposit.

You can try the games for Free! Visit Vegas Play Casino and test the games in free-play modalità.

Merħba Bonus

Vegas Play Casino gives to new players a welcome bonus of 100% up to 100 € on their first deposit. This is not a bad bonus but certainly can be improved.

* Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw.

Vegas Play Casino: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Caution: Due to the questionable reputation of Vegas Play Casino, we advise caution and strongly suggest exploring alternative casinos prior to making a decision to sign up.

Vegas Play Casino is a Blacklisted Casino

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Minflok, esplora l-lista kkurata tagħna ta 'casinos rakkomandati, li fihom alternattivi ta' logħob siguri u ta 'fama.

Bonusijiet tal-każinò onlajn bl-ogħla rata

Vegas Play Casino rivedut minn Casino Bonus Center


Reviżjoni ta ' Vegas Play Casino: Aġġornamenti riċenti

Our initial review of Vegas Play Casino was conducted back in 2013. The most recent update to this review was made 11 years ago, on 29-July-2013.

L-aħħar Klassifikazzjoni: 1.8 minn 5

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Softwer u pjattaforma tal-logħob

Vegas Play Casino offers a wide selection of casino games developed by The Art of Games · A download is not required to play at Vegas Play Casino


Ċertifikazzjoni minn Casino Bonus Center

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Vegas Play Casino is a Blacklisted Casino

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Minflok, esplora l-lista kkurata tagħna ta 'casinos rakkomandati, li fihom alternattivi ta' logħob siguri u ta 'fama.

Bonusijiet tal-każinò onlajn bl-ogħla rata

Gaming ġust

Dial Invest International N.V. (in the following defined as "Dial Invest International") is well-known for its outstanding reputation in the industry and among the players as we value most of all the honesty and reliability when it comes to online entertainment. We maintain a transparent, secure and fair gaming environment, and enjoy long-lasting relationships with our players through our commitment to the excellence in customer service and support.

Whether you are looking to play for fun or for real money - Dial Invest International is one of the safest and most stable online gaming solutions.

Our outstanding security and ethics level is achieved through the following factors:

1  Compliance

Dial Invest International abides by both the laws and the regulations of the jurisdiction where it does business.

2  Certification

Dial Invest International operates under license 8048/JAZ issued by the Curacao Internet Gaming Association (CIGA) in the Country of Curacao (former Netherlands Antilles).

3  Accountability

In order to constantly improve customer confidence in the soundness of the gaming system, Dial Invest International makes its systems, algorithms and practices accessible for inspection and review by any legitimate gaming commission or government authority.

4  Confidentiality

Player accounts, transactions and other historical information of all customers are confidential and will under no circumstances be made available to third party unless the account holder agrees. The games are server executed to prevent fraud and tampering. All events (such as debits and credits to your account) are saved in a highly protected database to prevent loss of data should the Internet connection go down or if the client computer for some reason enters into a failure state.

5  Integrity in Advertising

Dial Invest International is always honest in all advertising and promotional efforts, and also publishes only accurate information about its processes. Gaming and wagering rules and registration procedures are made available to the public online. Additionally we follow a Code of Regulations in the administration of games and support for our customers.

6  Limiting Access by Minors

Dial Invest International ensures to prohibit minors from accessing its gaming system by following the "know-your-customer" rules. These controls necessitate customers to declare that they are of lawful age and Dial Invest International establishes reasonable measures to verify this information.

7  Controlling Compulsive Gambling

Dial Invest International is a committed company at detecting and preventing compulsive gambling. Our procedures include fulfilling requests of our customer's to suspend or close their player accounts at any time, establishing deposit and wager limits, and analyzing gambling patterns.

8  Banking and Transaction Processing

Dial Invest International carries out its banking and financial dealings in accordance with the accepted standards of internationally recognized banking institutions. Dial Invest International adheres to all of the jurisdictional laws pertaining to transaction reporting.

9  Payouts

Dial Invest International preserves customer balances in cash, or cash equivalent. In addition, Dial Invest International is dedicated to prompt payment of all customer withdrawals.

Vegas Play Casino does not accept player registrations from the following countries:

Stati Uniti

Vegas Play Casino is a Blacklisted Casino

Caution: Blacklisted Casino! We strongly advise against creating an account with Vegas Play Casino. For your safety and peace of mind, we are unable to provide a direct link to their site.

Minflok, esplora l-lista kkurata tagħna ta 'casinos rakkomandati, li fihom alternattivi ta' logħob siguri u ta 'fama.

Bonusijiet tal-każinò onlajn bl-ogħla rata

Restrictions for the United States

Online gambling laws vary across U.S. states. Some have deemed it illegal, others have yet to address its legality, and a few have regulated and legalized it. does not endorse or facilitate the use of its links or information in regions where it's considered illegal.

Regardless of these provisions, it remains your responsibility to ascertain the legality of using this website based on your jurisdiction.